How and Why to Set a Project Minimum

One of the biggest questions we get asked every time we do a Q&A on instagram or get on a coaching call is, "what should I charge?" While this sounds like such a simple question, it's actually so complex because there are so many factors that go into pricing a job. While we can't really give you specific pricing advice in a blog post, we can tell you where to start, and that's by setting a project minimum. This is the very lowest rate that you will accept for a job. Setting this minimum is one of the most important things that you can do for your business, not only will it help you decide which clients you should take on, but it will help your business become more financially stable.

This post is available exclusively for our online community - The Weekend Club!

The Weekend Club is an online community of photographers wanting to learn and grow together. We share a ton of exclusive content over there, and we would love for you to join us! Learn more about it in this post.

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