Using the Warp Tool

Hey guys! Happy Friday. How is it almost mid-February? I'm shooketh. 2021 is flying by already. Anyway, I remember I was chatting with someone over in our community (Slack) about fixing lines in our images and I thought that was so perfect because I had already planned on whipping up this post on how I use the warp tool to fix products and backgrounds. The warp tool is probably one of my favorite tools in Photoshop. Don't ask me to pick just one because I have way too many.

If you don't already use this tool, it will very quickly become your best friend. In product photography, this is one of the best tools you can use to fix all of the lines in your images. Got a crooked horizon line? Warp it. Is your product leaning slightly to one side? Warp it. Is your prop oddly shaped? Warp it. It is a pretty powerful tool and I can't imagine editing life without it.

This post is available exclusively for our online community - The Weekend Club!

The Weekend Club is an online community of photographers wanting to learn and grow together. We share a ton of exclusive content over there, and we would love for you to join us! Learn more about it in this post.

Is it the weekend yet?



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