Keeping Your Sets Clean

Hey guys! Happy last week of January. 2021 is already flying by and probably for the better, tbh. πŸ˜… Hope you're all doing well and staying healthy. We're finally approaching rainy season here in the Bay Area (we really needed it) and our space suddenly feels cozier being inside while listening to the sound of the rain.

Before I get any cheesier, I would love to share some of the things we've learned over the past few years about keeping our sets clean. Basically, we want to help you not slam your head on the keyboard because you forgot to clean your set before shooting. Not sure about you but dust, smudges, and uneven texture is the bane of my existence which is why I'm constantly cleaning our sets whenever possible. Like we always mention, whatever you can do to fix in camera and during your actual shoot, will greatly help you as your retouching your images later in post. Let's dive in, yeah?

This post is available exclusively for our online community - The Weekend Club!

The Weekend Club is an online community of photographers wanting to learn and grow together. We share a ton of exclusive content over there, and we would love for you to join us! Learn more about it in this post.

Is it the weekend yet?



How and Why to Set a Project Minimum


BTS: Camelbak