How to Market Yourself (Without Marketing Yourself)

Happy Tuesday everyone! How are we almost at April already? Is this an April fools joke? Someone please kindly tell me where all the time has gone. Anyway, I'm excited to share this post with you all. Not just because it's a topic that you all chose for March (lol!) but because it's probably one of those things that always feels slightly scary to do whether you are just starting out or have been in business for a while. Wherever you might be on your creative journey, I think we can all agree that it isn't always easy to talk about ourselves. Fear, doubt, and impostor syndrome can work against us here which is why it's important to have a game plan for how you intend to market yourself and your services.

This post is available exclusively for our online community - The Weekend Club!

The Weekend Club is an online community of photographers wanting to learn and grow together. We share a ton of exclusive content over there, and we would love for you to join us! Learn more about it in this post.

Is it the weekend yet?



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